
Please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the breathtaking tour

There are three types of partners for different purposes. And the respective onboarding process is kind of different.

  • Public Partner

    • For those who'd like trials or building MVPs;

    • No KYB or certification process;

    • Lightning fast integration;

  • Basic Partner

    • For those who need to customize widget/interface;

  • Premium Partner

    • For those who need to call FaTPay APIs for sophisticated scenarios;

    • Unlock the full list of features;

Partner Types

Please apply the most suitable partner type for your business according to the supported features illustrated in below table.


Widget: specify cryptocurrency and amount

Widget: specify fiat currency

Widget: set default email address (editable by user)

Widget: NFT Checkout

Visual: choose interface theme

Widget: set default wallet address (editable by user)

Visual: customize interface theme

Visual: display partner's logo

Cryptocurrency: add unlisted cryptocurrency for crypto projects

Widget: set default wallet address (uneditable by user)

Widget: set default wallet address (invisible to user)

API: list all supported cryptocurrencies

API: list all supported fiat currencies

API: retrieve quoted prices

API: webhook for orders

API: list orders

The full list of supported fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies and payment methods are available for all partners.

Onboarding Process

Public Partner

No need to apply. You could use public as partner ID to access to FaTPay service.

Basic Partner

If the customization is a must feature for your business, such as adding new issued cryptocurrency. Please leave a message at operations@fatpay.xyz and apply the Basic Partner account.

After passing KYB and all certifications with the help of your dedicated assistant, you will get your own partner ID.

Premium Partner

API capability is only available for Premium Partners. Please reach us at operations@fatpay.xyz to apply.

After passing KYB and all certifications with the help of your dedicated assistant, you will get:

  • Unique partner ID for your business;

  • APIPrivateKey: Generated by the partner for computing the signature of API request;

  • APIPublicKey: Generated by the partner and submitted to FaTPay for API request validation;

  • SecretKey: Provided by FaTPay for computing the signature of widget URL;

  • WebhookPublicKey: Provided by FaTPay to the partner for validating the signature of webhook notification;

  • Webhook endpoint: Provided by the partner to FaTPay for receiving webhook notification;

Generating APIPrivateKey/APIPublicKey key pair

There are many ways to generate RSA public and private(2048 bits) key pairs in PKCS#8 format.

Here we just provide an example for MacOS/Linux users via OpenSSL.

# generate private key in PKCS#8 formati
openssl genpkey -out APIPrivateKey.pem -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

# extract public key from private key
openssl rsa -pubout -in APIPrivateKey.pem -out APIPublicKey.pem

Please make sure you NEVER disclose the APIPrivateKey and SecretKey.

Last updated