API Signature & Webhook Validation

Wish you safe and sound...

To ensure the authenticity and integrity of your message, all API request must be signed securely by adding X-Fp-Signature in request header. Similarly, the partners' backend system should validate X-Fp-Signature in request header of the webhook notification sent by FaTPay as well.

Signature for API request

As Premium Partner, you will generate APIPrivateKey during [Onboarding] process, which is essential to the signature producing.

Do not share the private key to anyone or public repositories. Your account might be blocked once the credential leakage is detected. FaTPay reserves the right to take any other actions and pursue any other legal rights available to us.


Please follow this guide to generate the signature, which uses RSA-SHA256 algorithm.

  1. Retrieve parameters

    • Firstly, retrieve all the common header parameters except X-Fp-Signature. Convert all the keys to lowercase and build a map with all key-value pairs;

    • Secondly, retrieve all query parameters and add to the map;

    • Thirdly, remove all the items with null keys or null values;

  2. Sort parameters

    • Sort all parameter keys in ascending order(as per ASCII values of the characters);

  3. Prepare to-be-signed-payload

    • Firstly convert the sorted map to a string request-key-value-parameters-string in the form of key=value and concatenate them with & character as the separator;

    • Then concatenate the final string by the following rule. Please exclude http/https in request-domain. And request-method should be all uppercase as GET/POST;

      request-method + request-domain + request-URI + ? + request-key-value-parameters-string

    • Now we get a string called to-be-signed-payload;

  4. Compute signature

    • Next use APIPrivateKey to generate signature for the string to-be-signed-payload from last step via RSA-SHA256 algorithm. Please check [API Signature Demo];

  5. Assign signature

    • Finally, assign the signature to X-Fp-Signature in the request header, and call FaTPay APIs. Once it's received by FaTPay gateway, it will be validated with APIPublicKey. If it is passed, the data will be responded accordingly;


Let's take a virtual API as testSignature with GET method to go through the whole procedure step by step. The URI of this API is api/testsignature.

Request parameters
  "page": 1,
  "index": null,
  "size": 10
Common header parameters
  "X-Fp-Nonce": 748219,
  "X-Fp-Partner-Id": "mqMBpCIP630LJxLY",
  "X-Fp-Timestamp": 1656600459,
  "X-Fp-Version": "v1.0"

Retrieve parameters

Firstly, retrieve all the common header parameters except X-Fp-Signature. Convert all the keys to lowercase and build a map with all key-value pairs.

  "x-fp-partner-id": "mqMBpCIP630LJxLY",
  "x-fp-timestamp": 1656600459,
  "x-fp-nonce": 748219,
  "x-fp-version": "v1.0"

Secondly, retrieve all query parameters and add to the map.

  "x-fp-partner-id": "mqMBpCIP630LJxLY",
  "x-fp-timestamp": 1656600459,
  "x-fp-nonce": 748219,
  "x-fp-version": "v1.0"
  "page": 1,
  "index": null,
  "size": 10

Thirdly, remove all the items with null keys or null values. Now we get

  "x-fp-partner-id": "mqMBpCIP630LJxLY",
  "x-fp-timestamp": 1656600459,
  "x-fp-nonce": 748219,
  "x-fp-version": "v1.0"
  "page": 1,
  "size": 10

Sort parameters

Sort all parameter keys in ascending order(as per ASCII values of the characters);

  "page": 1,
  "size": 10,
  "x-fp-nonce": 748219,
  "x-fp-partner-id": "mqMBpCIP630LJxLY",
  "x-fp-timestamp": 1656600459,
  "x-fp-version": "v1.0"

Prepare to-be-signed-payload

Firstly convert the sorted map to a string request-key-value-parameters-string in the form of key=value and concatenate them with & character as the separator. We get


Then concatenate the final string by the rule:

request-method + request-domain + request-URI + ? + request-key-value-parameters-string

Now to-be-signed-payload turns out to be:


Compute signature

Next use APIPrivateKey to generate signature for the string to-be-signed-payload from last step via RSA-SHA256 algorithm. The signature:


Assign signature

Finally, assign the signature to X-Fp-Signature in the request header, and call FaTPay APIs.

curl -X 'https://api.ramp.fatpay.xyz/api/testsignature?page=1&size=10' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Fp-Nonce: 748219' \
  -H 'X-Fp-Partner-Id: mqMBpCIP630LJxLY' \
  -H 'X-Fp-Timestamp: 1656600459' \
  -H 'X-Fp-Version: v1.0' \
  -H 'X-Fp-Signature: akZjLiZak0v07CzJoKr7/uKgsAzW2a8DXevy98xg3k6HeOtiU2OyWeEYuQtX/G5EuOs5NeagnIwsIxxiFCQoo6hh2OkgxuEphUQNg1B2HO9cYxpJWRKJfxcf20fJ/OIKFfI75PLMqSGRSmx5tVl+9vP4mBzQwpFtgYok2nrWZU4='

Webhook validation

For security reason, we highly recommend the backend system of our partners to validate the signature of webhook whenever receiving a notification of order status change.

FaTPay will inform the partners about the order status changing by calling the predefined webhook endpoints. The partners' backend system should validate X-Fp-Signature in request header to check the authenticity and integrity of such webhook message. Use WebhookPublicKey to verify that FaTPay generated a webhook request and that it didn’t come from a server acting like FaTPay.

FaTPay generates signatures usingRSA-SHA256 algorithm. The validation procedure is quite similar to the signature generating procedure.

  1. Retrieve parameters

    • Firstly, extract all the parameters starting with X-Fp except X-Fp-Signature from header. Convert all the keys to lowercase and build a map with all key-value pairs. Check header details;

    • Secondly, retrieve all query parameters and add to the map;

    • Thirdly, remove all items with null keys or null values;

  2. Sort parameters

    • Sort all parameter keys in ascending order(as per ASCII values of the characters);

  3. Prepare to-be-verified-payload

    • Firstly convert the sorted map to a string in the form of key=value and concatenate them with & character as the separator;

    • Then concatenate the final string by the rule: request method + request domain + request URI + ? + <request key-value parameters string>. Please remember to exclude http:// or https:// in request domain;

    • Now you will get a string called to-be-verified-payload;

  4. Validate signature

    • Finally, extract the to-be-verified-signature from X-Fp-Signature in the webhook header. Validate the signature(RSA-SHA256 algorithm) with the string to-be-verified-payload from last step and WebhookPublicKey provided by FaTPay during [Onboarding] process;

Last updated